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242th Season

Main Stage

27 December
2018 | Thursday
Conducted by Maestro Gergiev
Richard Wagner "Parsifal" festive opera-mystery in three acts.
Artists Credits
Opera company

Libretto by the composer

Performed in German

The castle of Graal surrounded by the holy forest. The king of Graal – Amfortas suffers greatly from the bad wound that nobody can cure. In the ancient times to the father of Amfortas – king Titurel two sacred relics were given. They were a cup of Graal from which Jesus had drunk before his death andamp; where his blood was gathered then andamp; a spear which he was pierced through. To protect these two sacred things Titurel erected big castle andamp; gathered knights who had pure souls round himself. Having renounced all earth’s passions, despised sinful love they dedicated their lives to the fight for truth andamp; justice. But the evil wizard Klingsor wasn’t in the rows of elite. He created magic garden near the castle to take a revenge. Beauties living there had to tempt knights of Graal. Amfortas went to this garden to destroy them but tempted he was charmed by a woman. Klingsor took away his spear andamp; injured him. From this time king doesn’t recover. He was promised to deliver from his torments when the innocent andamp; open-hearted youth would appear who would cure him.
To the big hall of the castle of Graal come Gurnemans andamp; his fellow-traveller who he met in the forest – Parsifal. All knights are already gathered. Sick Amfortas is taken on a stretcher. A cover is taken away from the sacred cup. Watching of it will give forces to knights inspire them on new exploits in the name of kindness andamp; justice. But Amfortas nearly can watch the cup – his wound starts bleeding. The cup emanate crimson radiance. Amfortas has no forces to watch on the relic his pain becomes stronger from minute to minute blood is running from his wound abundantly. Pages carry the king out. Then knights retire. Gurnemans comes to torpid Parsifal andamp; asks if he knows what had happened . Parsifal says no. Gurnemans is disappointed greatly – his choice turned to be wrong, the youth has no compassion at all. The old man drives Parsifal away from the castle in a fury.
From the heavens a prophetic voice is heard: ‘An innocent youth will come andamp; will cure the king with compassion”.
Klingsor sits in his tower andamp; looks into the magic mirror. He sees Parsifal coming closer. If Parsifal will be conquered he will become the ruler of Graal. The wizard calls Kundry andamp; orders her to fascinate Parsifal.
On the blowing of a magic stick of Klingsor his tower becomes a beautiful garden. Kundry appears, attracts Parsifal with cunning andamp; kisses him. Suddenly a smarting compassion seizes him. With a pain in his hear he recalls Amfortas sufferings andamp; pushes Kundry away. Klingsor hurries up to the knight. If charms of a woman can’t help Parsifal will die from the sacred spear. Aiming, Klingsor throws a spear but of hands on mid-air Parsifal takes it andamp; the magic garden vanishes into thin air. The end comes to the Klingsor’s kingdom. A squalid hut of a hermit in the secret forest near Graal. Gurnemans comes out. A knight in dark black armours appears. Gurnemans recognizes that youth whom he had driven away long ago. Looking at the spear the old man understands that a long-waited saviour of Graal is behind him. From the time Parsifal started his wanderings, knights of Graal got into great trouble. Amfortas refused to take away the cover from the cup, knights lost their forces andamp; old Titurel died. Accompanied by Gurnemans, Parsifal comes to the castle. Knights have already gathered in the hall. Amfortas is taken on the stretcher. Knights insist on taking down the cover but Amfortas can’t do that. Then Parsifal appears. Coming closer to Amfortas he touches the mound with a spear andamp; he recovers at once.
Parsifal tears the cover off – the hall is radiated with a bright light. Amfortas, Gurnemans andamp; all knights greets Parsifal – the new king.

Mariinsky Theatre:
1 Theatre Square
St. Petersburg
Mariinsky-2 (New Theatre):
34 Dekabristov Street
St. Petersburg
Mariinsky Concert Hall:
20 Pisareva street
St. Petersburg

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