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241th Season

Soslan Kulaev


Born in Vladikavkaz.
Graduated from the Perm Ballet School in 1996.
In 1996 – 1997 he trained at the Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet (class of Professor Boris Bregvadze).
Joined the Mariinsky Ballet Company in 1997.

His repertoire includes:
La Sylphide (Gurn); choreography by August Bournonville,
La Bayadиre (High Brahmin); choreography by Marius Petipa, revised version by Vakhtang Chabukiani,
The Sleeping Beauty (Catalabutte, Galifron); choreography by Marius Petipa, revised version by Konstantin Sergeyev,
Swan Lake (Mazurka, the Prince’s Tutor); choreography by Marius Petipa and Lev Ivanov, revised version by Konstantin Sergeyev,
Raymonda (Abderakhman) ; choreography by Marius Petipa, revised version by Konstantin Sergeyev,
Schйhйrazade (Shakhezman, Shakhriar); choreography by Michel Fokine,
Le Sacre du printemps (Shaman); choreography by Vaslav Nijinsky,
The Fountain of Bakhchisarai (Ghirei); choreography by Rostislav Zakharov,
Shurale (Principal Matchmaker); choreography by Leonid Yakobson,
Romeo and Juliet (Tybalt’s Friends, Montague Servants); choreography by Leonid Lavrovsky,
The Bedbug (Bayan),
George Balanchine’s ballets Prodigal Son (the Father) and La Valse,
and Alexei Ratmansky’s ballets The Little Humpbacked Horse (Danilo), Middle Duet and Anna Karenina (His Majesty’s Aide-de-Camp).

Has toured with the Mariinsky Ballet Company to Germany, Greece, Finland, China and Hong Kong.

Mariinsky Theatre:
1 Theatre Square
St. Petersburg
Mariinsky-2 (New Theatre):
34 Dekabristov Street
St. Petersburg
Mariinsky Concert Hall:
20 Pisareva street
St. Petersburg

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