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241th Season

Ilya Bannik


Prize-winner at the 4th Rimsky-Korsakov International Competition for Young Opera Singers (St Petersburg, 2000).
Prize-winner at the Stanislaw Moniuszko International Competition (Warsaw, 2004).
Diploma-winner at the 3rd Rimsky-Korsakov International Competition for Young Opera Singers (St Petersburg, 1998)
Finalist and winner of a special prize at the Placido Domingo International Competition "Operalia 2000" (Los Angeles, 2000) and "Оperalia 2002" (Paris, 2002).
Finalist and winner of a special prize at the Maria Callas International Competition for Young Opera Singers "Verdi Voices" (Parma, Italy, 2000). Winner of a special prize: a study visit to Italy in 2000, including participating in master-classes given by Renata Scotto and Bruno Cagli.

In 1980 entered the Academic Capella's Glinka Choral School. Sang in the St Petersburg Capella Boys' Choir. In 1995 graduated from the musical faculty of the Herzen University in St Petersburg, and in 1999 from the St Petersburg Rimsky-Korsakov State Conservatoire (class of Professor Georgy Seleznev).
Since 1999 has been a soloist with the Mariinsky Theatre Academy of Young Singers

Repertoire in the Mariinsky Theatre:
Svetozar and Farlaf (Ruslan and Lyudmilla), Konchak (Prince Igor), Prince Gremin (Eugene Onegin), Grandfather Frost and Maslenitsa (The Snow Maiden), Varangian Guest (Sadko), Prince Yury (The Tale of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maid Fevronia), Tsar Dodon (The Golden Cockerel), Baron (The Miserly Knight), Chamberlain (The Nightingale), Faust and Innkeeper (The Fiery Angel), Oedipus, Creon and Messenger (Oedipus Rex), Young Lad (Semyon Kotko), General Yermolov, Тikhon Shcherbaty, Marshal Berthier, Captain Ramballe, Barclay de Tolly and General Bennigsen (War and Peace), Official in the Newspaper Dispatch Office (The Nose), Steward, Sentry, Policeman (Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District), Don Basilio (Il barbiere di Siviglia), Lord Sidney and Baron Trombonok (Il viaggio a Reims), Raimondo (Lucia di Lammermoor), Count Rodolfo (La sonnambula), Samuel (Un ballo in maschera), Philip (Don Carlo), Colline (La boheme), Bonze (Madama Butterfly), Мephistopheles (La Damnation de Faust), Lindford and Luther (Les contes d'Hoffmann), Leporello (Don Giovanni), Soldier and Cappadocian (Salome).

Repertoire also includes: King Rene (Iolanthe, Welsh National Opera; Toulouse; Royal Albert Hall, London); Sarastro (Die Zauberflote), Timur (Turandot, Welsh National Opera); Mendoza (Betrothal in a Monastery), Donner (Das Rheingold, Palau de les Arts, Valencia); Priest and Old Convict (Katerina Izmailova, Theatre Chatelet, Paris); Commendatore (Don Giovanni, Carlo Felice Theatre, Genoa), Nazarene (Salome, Оpera Bastille, Paris), Voice of the Oracle (Idomeneo, Paris Opera), Sparafucile (Rigoletto, Lille, France).
In 2005 sang in new productions of War and Peace (Оpera Bastille, Paris), Iolanthe (King Rene, Royal Albert Hall, London), and in 2008 - War and Peace (Canadian National Opera, Toronto)
Has taken part in productions at the Verdi Festival and the Glyndebourne Festival (Banquo, Macbeth).
Has appeared in opera houses in Italy (Bologna, Parma, Genoa, Мilan), Belgium, France (Theatre Chatelet, Оpera Bastille), Britain, Germany, Spain, Japan and the USA (Мetropolitan Opera).
Has toured with the Academy of Young Opera Singers in Britain (London, Edinburgh, Birmingham), France (Paris), Germany, Finland and Japan, аs well as in cities in Russia.

Concert repertoire:
The bass parts in Bach's Magnificat, Mozart's Requiem, Verdi's Requiem, Beethoven's 9th Symphony, Schubert's Stabat Mater, Stravinsky's The Wedding, and the part of Lorenzo in Berlioz's cantata Romeo et Juliette.

Ilya Bannik has worked with such conductors as Valery Gergiev, Placido Domingo, Zubin Mehta, Kent Nagano, Justus Frantz and Carlo Rizzi.

Mariinsky Theatre:
1 Theatre Square
St. Petersburg
Mariinsky-2 (New Theatre):
34 Dekabristov Street
St. Petersburg
Mariinsky Concert Hall:
20 Pisareva street
St. Petersburg

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