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241th Season

Alexander Knyazev


Born in 1961 in Moscow.
Studied in the Moscow Conservatoire in 1979-1986. Also graduated from Nizhny Novgorod conservatoire as an organist with a well-known Russian organist, Professor G.Kozlova.

1977 The National Competition (Vilnus, 1st prize)
1979 G.Cassado International Competition (Florence, 3rd prize)
1987 Chamber Music International Competition in Trapani (Italy, in the ensemble with E.Voskressenskaya, 1st prize)
1990 Tchaikovsky International Competition in Moscow (2nd prize)
1992 UNISA International Competition in Pretoria (1st prize)

His concert activity began in 1978. He performed in Russia, UK, France, Germany, Italy, USA, South Africa, Spain, Japan, South Korea and other countries. His partners were pianists M.Voskressenski, A.Diev, violinists V.Spivakov, V.Tretjakov, cellist I.Monighetti, organist G.Guillou (France), flutist A.Nicolet (Switzerland), violist Y.Bashmet.
He played under the button of conductors E.Svetlanov, Y.Temirkanov, D.Kitaenko, R.Kofman, M.Schostakovich, V.Ziva, and, recently, M.Rostropovich and V.Fedoseev. His latest concert in St.Petersburg with M.Rostropovich in the Schostakovich Festival in January 1997 was one of the greatest successes in the musician's life.
His constant partner from the victory at the International Chamber Music Competition Trapani in 1987 was his wife, an outstanding pianist, Ekaterina Voskressenskaya, who was tragically killed in a car accident in March 1994 in South Africa. They took participation in many international music festivals, such as "In memory of Jacqueline du Pre" (Colmar, France), the festival in Asolo, Italy, the festival "Moscow stars" in the Great Hall of the Moscow conservatoire, etc. A.Kniazev also performed at the Moscow festival "December Evenings" organized by S.Richter.
His enormous repertoire includes practically all cello compositions and many works for organ.
A.Kniazev has been professor of the Moscow Conservatoire since 1995 and regularly gives master-classes in France, Spain, South Korea and Phillippines.
He was a member of the Jury of Tchaikovsky Youth International Competition in Japan.
In June 1998 he was member of the Jury of Tchaikovsky International Competition in Moscow and in September of 1998 and 1999 participated in Jury Bashmet's International Festival in Elba.
In December 1999 he received the title "Musician of the Year 1999" in the rating of the Russian Radio - 1 Station.

Mariinsky Theatre:
1 Theatre Square
St. Petersburg
Mariinsky-2 (New Theatre):
34 Dekabristov Street
St. Petersburg
Mariinsky Concert Hall:
20 Pisareva street
St. Petersburg

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