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241th Season

Simon Virsaladze

Set Designer

It were borne on 31 December, 1908. (on 13 January, 1909) in Tiflis (since 1936 Tbilisi). It learned in the tiflisskoy academy of fine arts (1926-1927) in I. sharleman. In 1928 it moved to Moscow, where continued formation in Vkhuteine - the highest artistic- technical institute (teachers Isaac Rabinovich and Peter konchalovskiy). It completed studies in 1931 in Leningrad Vkhuteine (since 1930. - the Leningrad academy of fine arts, teacher Mikhail bobyshov).
In 1926-1927 it designed several plays of tiflisskogo tram - the theater of working young people, after returning tribute to constructivism popular in those years.
In 1932-36 yr. he was the main artist of the tiflisskogo state theater of opera and ballet im. Zacharias paliashvili. In this theater in that period and later they designed operas "Wilhelm Tell" J. Rossini (1931), "daisi" Of z. paliashvili (1936), ballets the "heart in this theater in that period and later they designed operas" Wilhelm Tell "J. Rossini (1931)," daisi "Of z. paliashvili (1936), ballets the" heart mountains "a. balanchivadze Of a. machavariani (1957).
From 1937 it worked in the Leningrad state academic theater of opera and ballet of the name Of s. m.Kirov (now Mariinskiy). In 1945 - 62 yr. he was the main artist of this theater. It designed here ballets the "heart of mountains" (1938), "laurensiya" Of a. Krein (1939), "spring fairy tale" (1947), "raymonda" Of a. glazunov (1948), "swan lake" (1950), the "latent beauty" Of p. Tschaikovsky (1952), the "nut cracker" Of p. Tschaikovsky; the opera Of "loengrin" Of r. Wagner (1941, 1962), the "family of Taras" Of d. kabalevskogo (1950) the "Don Juan" in. A. Mozart (1956), "Hispalensis barber" J. Rossini (1958).
It shaped the plays of the Leningrad academic small theater of opera and ballet (now the theater of opera and ballet of the name m. of p.Musorgskogo): "ashik-Kerib" (1940), "shekherazada" (1950), "seven beauties" (1953). the "corsair" Of a. Adam (1955), and takzheLeningradskogo choreographic school (now St. Petersburg state academy of the Russian ballet of name A.ya. Vaganovoy), the theaters of opera and ballet in Baku and Novosibirsk.
In the theater im. Kirov began to be added his creative alliance to Yuri grigorovichem (khoreograf repeatedly called Simon virsaladze by its co-author), new principle of the picturesque formulation of ballet play caused to the life. "was formed integral and ordered aesthetical system... It obtained designation "picturesque symphony" and it consisted in the orientation of artist to the direct disclosure of dramaturgy of musical leyttem through that written by them - in the complete agreement with choreography - the complex coloristic dynamics of picturesque- dancing action. In other words, to spectators was proposed "music" of color, whose "siimfonicheskiye" compositions were created by the motion of costume spots erected by artist ". (art critic Victor berezkin). The first plays To grigorovich-Virsaladze were the "rock flower" Of s. Prokofiev (1957) and "legend about the love" Of a. melikov (1961).
Then collaboration was very fruitfully continued in Moscow. By the scene of the Bolshoi theater were postponed "rock flower" (1959) and "legend about the love".
But the new settings are also created: the "latent beauty" (1963, 1973) the "nut cracker" Of p. Tschaikovsky (1966)"Spartacus" Of a. khachaturyan (1968)"swan lake" (1969)"Ivan groznyy" to the music Of s. Prokofiev (1975)"Angar" A. eshpaya (1976)"Romeos and Juliette" Of s. Prokofiev (1979) the "Golden Age" Of d. Shostakovic (1982), "raymonda" (1984) Ballets of Yuri grigorovich, designed Simon virsaladzes, repeatedly were placed abroad. Besides the plays Of grigorovicha, it designed in the Bolshoi theater only two settings: in 1956. - "swan lake" and 73- m - ballet "Mozart and Salieri" to the music v. A. Mozart and A. Salieri. He collaborated with the ballet masters Vakhtangom Chabukiani, Constantine sergeyev, Vasiliy vaynonen, Peter gusev et al. On its sketch created suits for many programs of the ensemble of the people dance of Georgia. Said its word, also, in the cinema: on its sketches were created suits for the films Of g. Kozintzev "Hamlet" (1964) and "king of lira" (1971).
In 1949 was honored the Stalin reward (state OF THE USSR) for the formulation of ballet "raymonda" in the Leningrad theater im. Kirov. In 1951. - Stalin reward for the formulation of opera "family of Taras" (ibid.). In 1970. - the Lenin prize for the formulation of ballet "Spartacus" in the Bolshoi theater. In 1975 was selected by the full member of the academy of fine arts USSR. In 1976 was honored title the "people artist CCCR". In 1977 was obtained the State Prize TO SSR for the formulation of the ballet of "Angar" in the Bolshoi theater.

Mariinsky Theatre:
1 Theatre Square
St. Petersburg
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34 Dekabristov Street
St. Petersburg
Mariinsky Concert Hall:
20 Pisareva street
St. Petersburg

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